Saturday, November 24, 2007

Naruto Shippuden In Ipod Format

numbers that must suggest ...

Accantono per un attimo Zen Cart per riportare alcune cifre che devono far pensare, in vista della Giornata Mondiale contro la violenza sulle donne .

Nel mondo 150 milioni di bambine and adolescents are victims of sexual abuse and violence.
Since 1985 more than 60 million girls were not born as a result of selective abortion.

1,400,000 Italian have suffered sexual violence before the age of 16. All over the world
dying in childbirth 1440 women per day.
Women 5 countries have no right to vote: Saudi Arabia, Niger, Nigeria, Somalia and Sudan.

2 million children in the world are forced into prostitution every year.
Italian 14 million were victims of violence in their lifetime.

in developing countries 82 million girls, between 10 and 17 years, will be forced to marry within 18 years.
of 130 million women in the world have undergone genital mutilation. In

Europe each year are reduced to slavery 400 000 women.
women forced into prostitution are at least 4 million . In Italy
690 000 mothers have suffered repeated violence from partners in the presence of children and 69.7% of the rapes is the work of its partners.

Over the past eight months in Iran 180 000 women have been fined or arrested because they are not covered from head to toe in public. In
Burkina Faso, Mali and Nigeria 75% of women can not make decisions about their health without the consent of man.

And these are just figures ....
[source: Donna Moderna]

Wednesday, November 21, 2007

English Argument Topic

The first Operation Manual for Zen Cart ™ all-Italian

In booking for the forthcoming the CPS for Zen Cart : a unique guide of its kind completely dedicated to the Italian version and the market: explanations through step - step and more than 500 images , the panel of directors and the shop itself will have no more secrets!

"How - Where - What and Why" for configurations and settings in modo da utilizzare e personalizzare al meglio tutte le funzionalità e potenzialità di Zen Cart.

In 430 pagine nel formato A4 sono presenti inoltre idee e suggerimenti per le modifiche e l'utilizzo creativo della versione Italiana attualmente in distribuzione, con analisi e panoramica degli Add-on da considerare, da installare ed utilizzare in totale sicurezza e quanto attiene a norme e legislazione italiana per l'e-commerce.

Il manuale operativo per vivere in maniera conscia ed approfondita tutto Zen Cart ™ con le indicazioni ed i consigli per personalizzare e rendere - oltre che unico - il proprio negozio (o show room) online un' successful business!

More information and details on the page "operating manual zen-cart "

Wednesday, November 7, 2007

How To Create A Wrestling Belt

Goodbye old dating

after Wikipedia, but NASA decided to use a different date.
now on will no longer use the traditional expression bC (before Christ) and AD (Annus Domini), but the new designations BCE (Before Common Era) and CE (Common Era), as a form of respect and tolerance towards other religions. From NASA
encourage this new system because, they say, than to impose no theological interpretation to the reader, offers many advantages in computer-generated lists and tables.

In Italy, however, there is no change in the dating system.

Little consideration ... if the statements before and after Christ are disappearing as not to offend non-Christians, must be considered fortunate that few people remember that the names of the months and days of the week are derived from names of pagan gods!