Monday, November 30, 2009
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What a beautiful set up companies at a cost of 150 € and 1 pound capital! In London you can! Look here (but watch it till the end ..)
Saturday, November 14, 2009
What Does The Sideways Mean? Peace Sign
E’ un babyromanzo linguistico per unità lessicali e culturali e, come per ogni flos, la speranza di un frutto maturo. Il Latino da favola di Roberta Magnante Trecco è la riflessione sulla genitorialità della langue (paterna/latina e materna /quella d’uso) che si costituisce familia tra i primissimi banchi di scuola. Le premesse del lavoro non possono che configurarsi nella memoria montessoriana: “la lingua di Roma è una lampada che vivifica e illumina tutto il nostro patrimonio culturale, e dev’essere facile fino a lei; essa deve essere resa fluida, gioiosa, accessibile alle menti infantili, suscitando vita e interesse intorno alle altre materie d’insegnamento, affermandosi realmente come genitrice della nostra”. Parole, quest’ultime, del 1930, degne di inserirsi autorevolmente, come una voce ricca di suggestioni sull’attuale questione del latino, per le esperienze vive e costruttive quali il libellus di sapore classico dell’autrice e collega aquilana.
Francesco Polopoli
Docente liceale San Giovanni in Fiore (CS)
Critico letterario-unione Artisti Operatori Culturali
Tuesday, October 20, 2009
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Mi è capitato di dover installare il modulo Simple Create Order che consente di aggiungere un nuovo ordine direttamente da pannello di amministrazione.
Questo modulo è la naturale evoluzione dell'integrazione di due addon: Edit Order che permette di modificare ordini una volta ricevuti e Add Customer from Admin , per aggiungere clienti sempre da back-end.
Funziona tutto come desiderato:
- inserisco il nuovo cliente,
- si crea un ordine vuoto con tutti gli indirizzi già compilati,
- clicco sul link Aggiungi prodotto,
- scelgo l'articolo e salvo il tutto.
Risultato: ordine aggiunto correttamente ma senza la somma dell'iva.
Questo perchè the portion of the total order (subtotal, shipping, tax and total) is inserted manually in code, without making a loop on all modules Order Total assets. Going into
file admin / create_order.php fact there are only ot_subtotal , ot_shipping , ot_total and ot_tax.
reproduce below how I solved. Go to
line 126 and add:
$ order_total = array ('orders_id' => $ insert_id,
'title' => 'VAT 20.0%',
'text' => $ temp_amount,
' value ' => "0.00",
'class' => "ot_tax"
' sort_order '=> "3");
zen_db_perform (TABLE_ORDERS_TOTAL, $ order_total)
$ order_total = array (' orders_id '=> $ insert_id,
' title '=>' Total ',
' text '=> $ temp_amount,
' value '=> "0.00",
' class' => "ot_total"
'sort_order' = > "4");
Tuesday, October 6, 2009
Sample Counter Offer Letters Auto Settlement
On September 19, 2009 was held in the conference Casale Monferrato means of protecting the heritage. The high participation of professionals in the area was a clear signal of the interest aroused by the topics and current events of issues such as trust and investment fund.
Following the introductory movie.
Pictures of the conference.
An extract of the report on the Fund Balance of the notary Alberto Forte.
Extract rlazione dr. Roberto D'Imperio: Tax Aspects of the trust
Extract from the report of the notary Muritano Daniele: The trust as a means of protection Capital
Extract from the report of the lawyer Igor Valas: The trust, action and action to set aside the reduction
Saturday, September 26, 2009
When Is The 2010 Bloods Initiation
Friday, September 4, 2009
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Saturday, September 19, 2009 will be held in Casale Monferrato, the conference "The protection of Heritage: Asset and Trust Fund" sponsored by the Notary at Milan of his 15 years of occupation.
administer and protect the wealth of households and individuals is a challenging task to which we devote several professionals including the notary, accountant, lawyer, surveyor.
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Anche una fiera può diventare un’occasione di incontro tra notai e cittadini. Ce lo dimostrano i notai di Cuneo e ne ha dato prova lo stesso Consiglio Nazionale del Notariato che lo scorso maggio
Monday, August 31, 2009
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Come il Friuli Venezia Giulia, in cui si trova Aquileia, the seat of CLE, hit by the earthquake of May 6, 1976, became the model for reconstruction around the world, so L'Aquila has become the symbol of rebirth, of life, strength values \u200b\u200b...
From today heart of the cultural life of the Eagle begins to throb: CLE resumed its activity and becomes a meeting place not only for fans of Latin, but for all those who agree to return the city to its former glory and the compliance with its distinctive features.
On behalf of Mr. Paul Henry Guidobaldi President, the Vice President, Prof. Robert Magnante Trecco, both hard hit by the earthquake, how creative blog, Tiziana Sevi, please be informed that from today the Delegation of the Eagle CLE resumed their walk in silence.
Assume, for the time being, the direction of the blog, Prof. Loredana Marano, General Coordinator of the CLE, which will use this medium as a bridge between Italy and our homeless friends to gather, merge, create opportunities for reflection and encounter in the name of a common love of culture and life.
All are invited to attend and give their valuable contribution to the cause.
I thank you and farewell,
Prof. Loredana Marano
Friday, August 7, 2009
How To Build A Gear Clock

Thursday, May 21, 2009
Broken Blood Vessels In Breasts
Wednesday, February 4, 2009
How Did The Apollo Use Laws Of Motion
to what will happen to receive an order in your store made with Zen Cart and then having to recontact the customer wants to know if an invoice or receipt? Or to be contacted later by the customer that requires you to invoice when you've already done the shipment by enclosing a simple proof?
If this is your case here you will find the change for you :
- during the checkout process, the stage 2 of 3 - Data payment, the customer will be forced to choose between invoices and tax receipts or receipt.

- On the next page, Step 3 of 3 - Order Confirmation , summarizes the choice.

- The customer's decision is then entered in the order confirmation email , both those received by ' administrator and that of the customer and possible in both formats (plain text and html ). In this way, the seller will have in the mail all the information necessary to process the order without having to recontact the customer.
Example of email in text format

Sample HTML email

not hesitate to contact me for more information.