The certificate of fitness of the Notary properties The function of the certificate of viability is not to certify the conformity to the approved design of the building and then building its regularity;
certificate attesting to the suitability of the building unfit for use - in terms of health and hygiene, the safety and energy savings - to be used for residential, commercial, industrial, office, other. The feasibility, while not affect the marketability of a legal property, they could serve as a prerequisite for the usability of a building incide in maniera rilevante sulla commerciabilità "economica" dello stesso. Il certificato di agibilità viene rilasciato dal dirigente o dal responsabile del competente ufficio comunale con riferimento ai seguenti interventi ti (indipendentemente dal fatto che per gli stessi sia richiesto il permesso di costruire o la denuncia di inizio attività):
a) nuove costruzioni ;
b) ricostruzioni o sopraelevazioni, totali o parziali ;
c) interventi sugli edifici esistenti che possano influire sulle condizioni di sicurezza, igiene, salubrità, risparmio energetico degli edifici e degli impianti negli stessi installati.
La domanda di rilascio the certificate of fitness for use must be submitted to the City within fifteen days after the end of the finishing work with the following supporting documentation:
- stacking building
request, signed by the applicant for the certificate of viability, that the municipality shall transmit to cadastre;
declaration of conformity to the approved project work and seals have prosciugatura walls and healthy environments, signed by the applicant for the certificate of declaration;
firm's declaration that certifies plumbers compliance of the equipment installed at legislation on safety
certificate energetic to (in case of new buildings or buildings undergoing radical restructuring, for which planning permission has been sought after the October 8, 2005, for " radical restructuring "in order to conduct in terms of energetic certification means:
a) the complete refurbishment of the building elements which constitute the envelope of existing buildings with floor area exceeding 1000 square meters, b) the demolition and reconstruction of existing buildings floor area exceeding 1000 square meters.
The certificate is issued by the City of viability after verification, as well as all the above documents described, including:
the static test certificate ;
compliance certification of the completed works to earthquake standards (obviously only for buildings in seismic zones declared);
declaration accordance with the law works on accessibility and overcoming barriers.