Tuesday, February 9, 2010

First Time Brazillain

How to buy properties under construction without risk

Il Consiglio Nazionale del Notariato e 12 Associazioni dei Consumatori hanno predisposto la nuova Guida, “Acquisto in costruzione. La tutela nella compravendita di un immobile da costruire”. La guida affronta una tipologia di compravendita particolarmente rischiosa per l'acquirente qualora il costruttore incorra in “situazione di crisi”.

Con questa pubblicazione il Notariato e le Associazioni dei consumatori vogliono diffondere e promuovere la conoscenza del decreto legislativo 122/2005 che prevede nuove forme di tutela - ancora non sufficientemente conosciute - a vantaggio which the weaker party, the bank guarantee, the exclusion of an insolvency, the right of first refusal in case of auction, the ten-year indemnity insurance, etc..

In case of purchase of a building under construction, generally, if the manufacturer (company or cooperative) were to fail before the transfer of property, only the creditors secured by charges on the building under construction (eg banks) could meet their reasons of credit with the proceeds from the forced sale of the building under construction. The buyer, however, no specific guarantees on the property, is unlikely to recover even part of the amounts paid as a deposit and / or deposit of money.

E 'guide can be downloaded from the site of Notaries or the following link http://www.robertomilano.it/documenti.php


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