Monday, August 4, 2008

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Il punto CLE di L’Aquila (Delegation Abruzzo-Molise), who found a welcome guest at the law firms of the city, thanks to the availability of its owner Mr. Paul Henry Guidobaldi, Advocate at the ecclesiastical tribunals, aims to achieve a main goal, as the spread and safeguarding the values \u200b\u200binherited from the greek civilization and Latin.

support what the cultural significance of the classical world on modern civilization is insignificant, when we were merely to recite the "beauty" without finding, however, be immediately reflected in the current reality.
E 'CLE Now, therefore, aim to create a network of activities in perfect harmony between them and engage in the holding of meetings at various levels and of different kinds.

will in fact drafted a framework agreement with schools of all levels, from primary schools of the city in which there is an ongoing effort to teach the Latin culture, superbly led by professors highly sensitive and careful the needs of new generations.

The center of our attention, therefore, will focus on raising awareness not only of their fellow citizens, who can boast the presence in the city of one of Italy's most prestigious classical high schools, the Liceo Classico "D. Cotugno ", but that of all the Abruzzo and Molise all.
So, in addition to activities designed for the public, and school staff in general, the CLE of the Eagle, will seek to develop themes and subjects them to see the classic involved in the round, considering the close link with the motherland Rome .
conferences and debates that will promote the dissemination of Latinitas, not only as a language, but as an essential substrate for the full understanding and deep knowledge of the various rights:

Latin and Latin and the history of Latin
el 'Archaeology
Latin and myth. In this

will be promoted and explored the links tra la musica e la latinità, anche attraverso la realizzazione di concerti e di messe cantate in latino.
Il ricchissimo patrimonio culturale, che il nostro territorio conserva e che ci svela di continuo con stupefacente meraviglia attraverso la scoperta di siti archeologici di grande interesse, quali ad esempio quelli recentemente rinvenuti nella Piana di Navelli (prov. di L’Aquila) e nella zona di Cavalletto d’Ocre sempre nella nostra provincia, ci porteranno ad intessere incontri con le Autorità competenti per un’attenzione sempre più rivolta al recupero e alla salvaguardia della classicità e nello specifico della Lingua latina nella sua pluridisciplinearità.


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