Monday, August 25, 2008

Testical Checkup By Female Doctor

Enter quantity discounts for products with attributes and without error in the log file

One feature perhaps less widely used Zen Cart on discounts for quantities.
Its use is often limited due to the initial difficulties that can be found using these mechanisms for the first time.
For this I will explain in this post how to set up properly these discounts

Case 1: How to enter 6 discount for quantities of a product without attributes, in modo da avere questa scontistica:

quantità prezzo per singolo articolo
1-4 35 €
5-9 25 €
10-19 20 €
20-49 12.50 €
50-99 7.50 €
100+ 5.00 €

1. Andare nell'amministrazione in Catalogo > Gestore Attributi .

2. Choose the product which is associated with discounts for quantity and press see .

3. Click Manager Prices (MANAGER PRODUCT PRICE) the top of the page.

4. Go to the bottom section Only Preview ... Current Price Condition ... Only Preview and press change.

5. Also in the bottom of the page press the add button discounts empty box in Loc. 5 New Discounted Quantity: .
For more discounts, such as 8, just click on the button again or you can change the value 5, going Layout Settings> Product Discounts for Quantity - How many levels of discount you want to run?

6. In the newly created table, enter the price and the amount, remembering to choose the type of discount (Percentage, Current Price, Amount). To get discounts only 8 instead of 10, just leave the values \u200b\u200bto 0 in the last 2 box which will then be automatically removed.
At this point, simply press Update to save.

Case 2: how to put discounts for quantities of a product with attributes.

Zen Cart also allows you to specify prices for each quantitative attribute of a product.
In our case we have a shop that sells magliette e decide di applicare particolari sconti per le taglie L e XL, in modo da avere queste scontistiche:

quantità per taglia L prezzo per singolo articolo
1-4 35 €
5-9 25 €
10-19 20 €
20-49 12.50 €
50-99 7.50 €
100+ 5.00 €

quantity for size XL price for single item
1-4 € 44
5-9 € 33
10-19 € 28
20-49 € 22.50
50-99 € 15.50
100 + € 8.00

Just convert these tables into strings of numbers (as is done with the shipping methods and rates for Progressive Rate Zone) to have respectively

4:35,9:25,19:20,49:12.50,99:7.50,1000:5.00 per la taglia L

4:44,9:33,19:28,49:22.50,99:15.50,1000:8.00 per la taglia XL

1. Andare nell'amministrazione in Catalogo > Gestore Attributi .

2. Scegliere il prodotto a cui associare gli sconti per quantitativi e premere vedi .

3. Associare al prodotto i relativi attributi, se non è già stato fatto, ed inserire la stringa precedentemente creata 4:35,9:25,19:20,49:12.50,99:7.50,1000:5.00 nel box Additivi sconto prezzo quantità: . Premere inserisci .
Se al prodotto sono già been associated attributes, press change the variant in question, enter the string always under additives quantity discount price: and press updates.

4. At this point you just have to go to the product details of the store and check that everything is correct. Once an attribute has a discount for quantities, it will be shown a link discounts for quantities of the product tab which opens a pop-up with its bulk discounts.


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