I noticed for the simplification of divorce The transnational
I notai d’Europa hanno accolto con grande interesse la proposta presentata il 25 marzo 2010 dal Vicepresidente della Commissione Ue, Viviane Reding, Commissario europeo per la Giustizia, i diritti fondamentali e la cittadinanza, di intervenire nel campo dei divorzi transnazionali per semplificare le procedure e rendere più facile l’individuazione della legge applicabile. I notai europei, vogliono offrire il loro sostegno a questa iniziativa che contribuirà a rafforzare la sicurezza giuridica dei cittadini europei e a questo fine auspicano anche l’adesione of those countries that have not yet involved in the issue.
allowing spouses to choose applicable law and the competent authority to settle their marital crisis, this proposal would eliminate the so-called "judicial tourism " (forum shopping) and allow the spouse deemed "weaker" to benefit the same opportunities to its partners.
Robert Baron, President of the Council of Europeans Notariats (CNUE) points out that "the lack of information about the applicable law may have serious negative consequences for the spouses wish to divorce. This is why it is necessary that the choice of competent court and
applicable law is sufficiently aware. "
Every day in their studies, notaries in Europe come to the same conclusion: more people live, study, marry, divorce or die in a Member State other than their own, with complications from legal point of view. For example, each year there are almost 140,000 divorces involving couples of different nationalities. Such situations require the assistance of an impartial professional, who can advise the couple on the provisions that vary depending on the Member States.
For this, the President Baron stresses the importance for each of the spouses to be able to appeal to "a qualified and impartial as the notary, who can advise the parties a full and objective ".
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