Saturday, November 29, 2008

Gabriella Hall Herpes

CLE - Convegno L'Aquila 24 Agosto 2008

Il M° Nemo Cerasoli

Corale 99 con il M° Ettore Maria Del Romano (a destra)

M° Maria Pia Di Gioia (Soprano) con la piccola Francesca

Da sinistra: Prof.ssa Loredana Marano (Vice Presidente CLE), Avv. Paolo Enrico Guidobaldi (Presidente CLE L'Aquila Sez. Abruzzo-Molise), Don Nunzio Spinelli (Rettore Basilica di Collemaggio), Prof.ssa Roberta Magnante Trecco (Vice Presidente CLE L'Aquila Sez. Abruzzo-Molise)

Professor Roberta Magnante Trecco (CLE L'Aquila Vice President Sec. Abruzzo-Molise) during his presentation

M ° Maria Pia Di Gioia (Soprano)

Sunday, November 23, 2008

My Foot Hurts When I Drink Alcohol


Although the blog has migrated to other sites like free-hosting Forums , I will continue to keep this blog on Blogspot platform in order to index more efficiently the new posts will publish in the future. The articles are listed in reverse chronological order from newest to oldest.

PAGES periodically updated

Chemtrails: I have spoken ...
- LinkMirror - constantly updated list with short descriptions and links to all situations (for broadcast, institutional interventions, etc.). In which we talked about the chemtrails.

Articles published

January 23, 2009 - The mentereologo with papillon
- Link Mirror - Video raid at a conference of Luca Mercalli in order to obtain clarifications on the preface of his book "Philosophy of the clouds." The preface, written by Fabio Fazio, seems to allude to chemtrails.

January 18, 2009 - The debunk chronic
- LinkMirror - A strange form of psychosis that plagues devastating the uninformed.

January 12, 2009 - Investigations on the book counterfeit
- LinkMirror - Gli approfondimenti sulle modalità operate dai disinformatori per la manipolazione del testo "Clouds of the World".

1 Gennaio 2009 - C.I.C.A.P. Novi Ligure - Parte 7: La riscrittura orwelliana della scienza
- LinkMirror - L'utilizzo di testi contraffatti precedenti agli anni 90 del XX secolo per dimostrare che le anomalie dei cieli moderni sono sempre esistite.

28 Dicembre 2008 - Debunkers sull'orlo di una crisi di nervi
- LinkMirror - Ingiustificati eccessi di nervosismo da parte dei negazionisti che solitamente mostrano incredulità e grossolana ironia nell'affrontare the issue of chemtrails.

December 21, 2008 - CICAP Novi Ligure - Part 6: The paternity of chemtrails
- LinkMirror - People who are unreliable, according to the CICAP, would be responsible for devising and spreading of the phenomenon of chemtrails.

December 8, 2008 - CICAP Novi Ligure - Part 5: civilian aircraft in attacking formation
- LinkMirror - paradoxical situation in which we witness the formation flight of four airliners.

December 1, 2008 - Strange Admirer
- LinkMirror - particularly suspicious activities by Swiss regular visitors of my blog.

October 8, 2008 - CICAP Novi Ligure - Part 4: If the dose increases too ... risks overdose!
- LinkMirror - The strange habit of making matters worse for CICAP to substantiate their claim.

October 3, 2008 - CICAP Novi Ligure - Part 3: What pearl glitters more?
- LinkMirror - What inaccuracies may be considered more seriously from a lack of attention caused by the frenzied debate and a misnomer repeated several times on a weather phenomenon?

September 29, 2008 - The tale of Mister X
- LinkMirror - To keep up the "plot" of chemtrails is not absolutely necessary active and conscious participation of millions of people, but ...

September 25, 2008 - CICAP Novi Ligure - Part 2: The nostalgia of the film.
- LinkMirror - Proposal to CICAP addressed during the conference in Novi Ligure, but in reality addressed to the personal initiative of each player.

September 23, 2008 - CICAP Novi Ligure - Part 1: Do you like to win easy?
- LinkMirror - The reasons that led me to speak at the conference in Novi Ligure and description of the method by which the CICAP organizes its conferences.

Good vibrations at all.

Thursday, November 13, 2008

Cardioversion And Defibrillation

Alla scoperta della Lingua Latina

Elementary School John XXIII L'Aquila
to explore the Latin language.

As an innovative and experimental certain classes of the Elementary School John XXIII initiated a project to study and knowledge of Latin, based on the book by Prof. Robert Magnante Braid: "Flos. Latin fabulous." The video is presented

mention this imaginative and adventurous journey made together by teachers and pupils and ending with the final appreciation of what is our mother tongue and as such can never be "dead language". The voices of children

retrace all the way done, at first sight "physical" with the book, designed to be appealing and attractive to the conscious and guided reading fairy tales and written proposals, with particular courtesy and respect towards the world of small . The project

to approach Primary School and Language Latin America - designed and developed by Professor Magnante Trecco - it seemed from the outset, very "adventurous" because, you know, today we tend to downplay the importance of the ancient languages \u200b\u200band a more distant past belonged, but in reality, in this case, we can say that the experiment was a complete success! Thanks, then, to Professor

Magnante Trecco for believing in its ideas, elementary school teachers "Giovanni XXIII" in L'Aquila and all the children who were able to open their hearts to small Flos and its incredible stories.

For technical questions at the time the video is visible only on post but will soon be online on YouTube.