Monday, April 26, 2010

Blood In Stool, Lump On Testicles

Post qualunquisticamente thick, inevitably, too much variety.

Who wants to be ...
Now, it's good that you graduate in physics or astronomy and teach well, but the question seemed to be very middle school. What form of government of the State Vatican: a) absolute monarchy b) parliamentary monarchy c) constitutional monarchy, d) self-sufficiency. Shit, you live in Italy, the Vatican is not just a little state whatsoever. It was worth € 20K is also demand. WTF

do not know if I understand it, but what the hell has (have) to do the Russia of his friend Putin to the new central noculari (cited above) that within three years the plant would Berlusca in Italy? No, because it worries me a lot. However, cheers to the great friendship between the two leaders.

it takes two to quarrel, it is enough for a divorce. Laughs, subtle jokes. PD

People are starting to feel the heat and the killing started again. WTF

Azzi various
Long live the two hours of brainstorming to give birth to the shifts (absurd). Long live the
urgent meetings. 9 pm. After a 7-hour shift. Hurrah
internationalization and those who change the academic calendar so that I can not go on Erasmus next year.
(Here the cheers would be a pussy or other body parts according to the tastes of each)

Maryland License Template

The obligation of the supervisory board in the srl: new provisions of Decree 39/2010

Le nuove disposizioni in tema di obbligatorietà del collegio sindacale per limited companies are operational from April 7, 2010 and Circular n.17/2010 of the National Council of Chartered Accountants describes its implementing guidelines.

dl 39/2010 The implementation of Directive 2006/43/EC has decisively changed the rules of the supervisory board in the limited liability company.
With the new art. 2477 cc the legislator has intervened, on the one hand, expanding the circumstances in which the GmbH must have internal control body, secondly, by providing that in case of inaction by the company, the auditors would be appointed by the court.

In particular, as already provided prevegente discipline, in srl la nomina del collegio sindacale è obbligatoria quando la società:
- è dotata di un capitale sociale non infweriore a quello minimo stabilito per le società per azioni, ovvero quando è pari o superiore a 120.000 euro;
- ha superato per due esercizi consecutivi, almeno due dei limiti previsti dall'art. 2435-bis, co. 1, c.c.

In base al nuovo testo dell'art. 2477 c.c. la nomina del collegio sindacale è anche obbligatoria quando la società:
- è tenuta alla redazione del bilancio consolidato;
- controlla una società tenuta alla revisione legale dei conti.

Le modifiche sono immediatamente operative e applicabili fin dal 7 aprile 2010.

To identify the moment at which the obligation arises for the appointment of auditors we refer to the provisions of the sixth paragraph of art. 2477 cc:
"The assembly approves the budget in which they exceeded the limits specified in the second and third paragraphs should provide, within 30 days, the appointment of auditors. If the assembly fails, the court shall appoint up request of any interested party. "

Oxigenating Toothpaste

Forums Chinese at school by fellow Italians

E'arrivata a delegation to Rome to study Chinese notaries of the Latin notary. China, in fact deepened after the operation and the relationship between costs and benefits systems commeon law and civil law (or the Latin notary) ha deciso nel 2003 di adottarequesto sistema, presente i 77 Paesi nel mondo. Una delegazione di 25 notai dell'ordine nazionale cinese ha quindi partecipato ad un corso di formazione sul sistema italiano dei pubblici registri e la Rete unitaria del Notariato, l'infrastruttura tecnologica che collega notai e pubblica amministrazione. L'iniziativa si è svolta sotto l'Egida dell'Uinl, Unione internazionale del notariato latino.

Friday, April 23, 2010

Furniture Images For Sales

Law 88/2009: properties and assessments of tax on business income and tax

L'agenzia delle Entrate riporta nella circolare 18/E del 14 aprile 2010 che per effetto della legge 88/09 verrà abbandonato qualsiasi contensioso riguardante il reddito d'impresa e di iva per compravendite di immobili in cui il il Fisco abbia contestato lo scostamento tra il corrispettivo dichiarato e normal value.

Law 88/2009 abbrogando some provisions on higher sales and increased business income requires that the findings of the Treasury are based only on accurate and suspected serious concondanti elements such as the increased value of the loan compared to that of ' property, prices have emerged from surveys of finance or the values \u200b\u200bof the previous sale of the property in question.

The circular of 14 April also explains what happens in the case of pending litigation: abbrogazione the presumption of law relating to his time introduced by Law 223/2006, also has effects in relation to the previous period. So the validity of the reasons for the findings must be evaluated in light of legislative change.

Sunday, April 18, 2010

Leather Couch Repair Torn Seams

born Alia, the notary association for socially weak groups

is becoming more intense and widespread commitment of the notary in the social category. E 'was formed last month in Rome at the headquarters of the National Council of Notaries, the Association ALIA. The project, in the Notary, aims to provide social solidarity of the socially weak groups and disadvantaged persons because of physical, mental, economic, social or family. The membership of the notaries is provided on a voluntary basis.

In particular, will be conducted the following activities:
support and legal assistance to children, the elderly and all those who, because of their different physical abilities or are in a state of mental distress social analysis, study and promotion of legislative measures and solutions for the issues involved so-called "minorities" through study, research and development of their cultural and ethnic heritage;
Among the possible initiatives are study advice and assistance free of charge via the Internet or through "counseling" as well as scientific research aimed at improving the regulatory framework for social reform by proposing and stimulating.

Association of Notaries of Italian Solidarity, will also be twinned with the foundation Aequitas, NGOs, the General Council of Notaries English responsible for the aid of so-called vulnerable sectors and in need of greater protection: children, disabled, elderly, immigrants, people who have experienced violence. Among the main activities to be reported the preparation of a legislative text on assistance to the disabled (personal autonomy de ley y atencion a las personas with situacion de dependencia) became state law in 2006.

"Based on the English experience also the Italian notaries who daily assist the family and the individual choices more important, with this initiative to offer its contribution in the name of social responsibility and solidarity," said Ernesto Quinto Netherlands, consigliere nazionale del Notariato e fondatore di ALIA. “Non a caso ALIA, il nome dell’associazione, ha il significato esteso di Altro”.

The Resolution In Alas, Babylon

I noticed for the simplification of divorce The transnational

I notai d’Europa hanno accolto con grande interesse la proposta presentata il 25 marzo 2010 dal Vicepresidente della Commissione Ue, Viviane Reding, Commissario europeo per la Giustizia, i diritti fondamentali e la cittadinanza, di intervenire nel campo dei divorzi transnazionali per semplificare le procedure e rendere più facile l’individuazione della legge applicabile. I notai europei, vogliono offrire il loro sostegno a questa iniziativa che contribuirà a rafforzare la sicurezza giuridica dei cittadini europei e a questo fine auspicano anche l’adesione of those countries that have not yet involved in the issue.

allowing spouses to choose applicable law and the competent authority to settle their marital crisis, this proposal would eliminate the so-called "judicial tourism " (forum shopping) and allow the spouse deemed "weaker" to benefit the same opportunities to its partners.

Robert Baron, President of the Council of Europeans Notariats (CNUE) points out that "the lack of information about the applicable law may have serious negative consequences for the spouses wish to divorce. This is why it is necessary that the choice of competent court and
applicable law is sufficiently aware. "

Every day in their studies, notaries in Europe come to the same conclusion: more people live, study, marry, divorce or die in a Member State other than their own, with complications from legal point of view. For example, each year there are almost 140,000 divorces involving couples of different nationalities. Such situations require the assistance of an impartial professional, who can advise the couple on the provisions that vary depending on the Member States.

For this, the President Baron stresses the importance for each of the spouses to be able to appeal to "a qualified and impartial as the notary, who can advise the parties a full and objective ".

Friday, April 9, 2010

Popcorn Calories Unpopped

Deed at a glance

The deed is the final step in purchasing a property and represents the time when the ownership of the property passes from seller to ' purchaser.

Who should take part in the deed?
the deed, which must take place with the help of a notary, the seller must participate as those with claims on the property and all those who play the role of party purchaser.

How much does the deed?
The deed is done with the assistance of a notary. The bill of the notary for the signing of the di compravendita è la sommatoria di 3 voci: l’onorario, i diritti e le spese anticipate. L’onorario varia a seconda del valore dell’immobile e rappresenta il costo della prestazione professionale del notaio. I diritti riguardano i costi sostenuti dal notaio per scrittura di documenti, accesso ai vari uffici per gli adempimenti, pagamento di imposte eccetera. Le spese anticipate, cosiddette perche materialmente anticipate dal notaio, si riferiscono a imposte sul trasferimento (imposta di registro, imposta ipotecaria e imposta catastale) e altri costi come ad esempio i bolli.

Chi deve pagare le spese notarili?
Normalmente il costo del rogito è a carico dell’acquirente, come previsto dal codice civile, a meno che le parti non abbiano preso accordi differenti.

Chi risponde di eventuali errori?
In caso di imperfezioni, errori o omissioni risultanti dall’atto di compravendita, evento raro ma non impossibile, il notaio ne risponde in prima persona. Durante le varie verifiche il notaio controlla che sull’immobile non siano presenti ipoteche, sequestri, pignoramenti e, più in generale, vincoli che ne compromettano il valore e la trasferibilità. Se ad esempio dovessero verificarsi problemi a tale riguardo il notaio ne è direttamente responsabile e pertanto adotterà i provvedimenti necessari per risolvere la situazione.

Tuesday, April 6, 2010

Car Polish Chemicals Formula

From 1 April 2010 - The company electronically with common Due Trust

Dal 1° aprile è entrata in vigore la nuova e unica procedura che velocizza e semplifica la nascita di un’impresa. Sarà infatti possibile inviare i moduli per via telematica al registro delle imprese e assolvere così agli adempimenti previsti per l’iscrizione presso la camera di commercio. L’invio telematico servirà anche per le modifiche e le cessazioni.

Per svolgere la procedura è necessario il software gratuito ComUnica, messo a disposizione da Infocamere, attraverso cui le comunicazioni verranno inoltrate agli enti competenti.

La richiesta può essere fatta dall’impresa stessa o da un intermediario come il notaio o il commercialista, e inviata al registro delle imprese utilizzando la firma digitale. Entro 5 giorni la camera di commercio invia all’indirizzo di posta certificata la conferma di iscrizione della nuova azienda. La risposta dai vari enti competenti arriva entro 7 giorni, quindi in una settimana tutte le procedure saranno concluse.

Friday, April 2, 2010

What Does Swallen Ankle Mean ?

Veneto free!

Entertaining read "Post-it Luca Zaia" (no, not the link).

now claim that in addition to the priests paid as nurses to also take on some bishops in the leading hospitals and you pay at least as a doctor.
The other day I saw a priest in the ward, I assume taken by the company, she had her beautiful white coat of the Hospital with its label (just do more name) and a red cross pacchianissima fire. Disgustorama.