Monday, May 12, 2008

Netopia Ter Gusb2-n Drivers


As well explained by the Directive No. 7 dated 30.04.2007 of the Minister for Reforms and Innovation in Public Administration, Luigi Nicolais, "Law 27/12/2006, n. 296 (Budget Law for 2007) has provided the opportunity for Public Administrations, to proceed to the stabilization of the personnel involved with contracts temporary, but with reference to the permanent needs of the administration. This is the first step of a process that will affect the whole phenomenon of precariousness in this PP.AA. and must be resolved during the term of the cartel is at work as well as public and government on the reorganization of April 6, 2007. "
In fact, this political will was already manifest in the said Intesa, where in paragraph 5) it is agreed that: "The planned recruitment systems will lead to the disappearance of precarious ....... In the short term, the existing non-permanent that has settled in a disorderly manner with the passing of the years in a contesto di blocco delle assunzioni, sarà assorbito mediante il ricorso a prove per quanti non siano già stati sottoposti a tali verifiche all’atto del primo ingresso nello svolgimento di attività nella P.A., secondo le modalità e le risorse previste dalla Legge finanziaria 2007”.
Analogo orientamento è contenuto nell’ “Intesa per un’azione pubblica a sostegno della conoscenza” sottoscritta dalle Parti in data 27.6.2007, laddove si legge che “per migliorare la qualità dell’offerta universitaria è necessario garantire un costante flusso di giovani qualificati nelle Università e superare la logica della precarietà che ancora oggi caratterizza il complesso dell’attività universitaria. Ciò è possibile attraverso piani di assunzione a tempo indeterminato, collegati alla ridefinizione dell’assetto ordinario del modo tale che sia valorizzata tutta l’attività svolta”. Occorre valorizzare le professionalità acquisite e “Nel contempo far fronte al problema del precariato nelle sue varie forme, adottando ogni possibile iniziativa che consenta di superare tale fenomeno”.
La prima tappa di questo percorso è rappresentata dalla Legge n. 296/2006 che con il comma 519 dell’art. 1 prevede “una stabilizzazione a domanda del personale non dirigenziale in servizio a tempo determinato da almeno tre anni, anche non continuativi, o che consegua tale requisito under contracts concluded before the date of 29.09.2006, or has been in service for at least three years even if not continuing in the five years preceding the date of entry into force of this Act, at his request, provided it is taken through the selection procedure competition in nature or provided for by law. To the stabilization efforts of the staff employed on a time determined by different procedures shall be after completion of selective testing. " For these stabilizers, the government identified in paragraph 95 of Article. Law No. 1 of 30/12/2004 311 draw on the fund referred to in paragraph 96 of Article. 1 of the said Finance Act. Therefore, excludes government not expressly mentioned in paragraph 519. This administration, including the University, however, have the ability, as stated on the mentioned Directive No. 7 of 2007, to "adapt their laws to the provisions of that paragraph 519 in terms of requirements and recruitment procedures, taking into account relevant characteristics and within its budget and the specific provisions on recruitment and expenditure ceilings. As part of its regulatory powers, this administration will govern the contract extension ..... until the conclusion of the stabilization procedures.
In this regard it is necessary to make a brief excursus legislation to better understand this regulatory power.

Paragraph 1 of Article 6. 33 of the Republican Constitution states that "Institutions of higher learning, universities and academies are entitled to their own regulations within the limits established by State law."
Paragraphs 1 and 2 of art. Law 6 of 9 May 1989, No 168, provide that:
"1. The universities are independent legal entities and, in the art. 33 of the Constitution, have educational autonomy, scientific, organizational, financial and accounting, they are given their own regulations with statutes and regulations.
2. In accordance with the principles of autonomy established art. 33 of the Constitution and specified by law, universities are governed not only by their statutes and regulations, only by laws that operate by reference. E 'excluded the applicability of provisions laid down in Circular ".
Paragraph 5 of that Article. 6 states that "...... The responsibilities of the Ministry of University and Scientific and Technological Research for all university administrative and technical staff, including managers, are devolved to the University of membership ...... .. ". The
paragraph of Article 109. Law No. 17 of 15/05/1997 127, states that "respect for the balance financial budget and the principles of sound and efficient management of resources and equipment, the subjects in art. 2, paragraph 1, lett. c) number 2), 3), 4) and 5) of Law No 23/10/1992 421, are governed by the universities, concerning the technical and administrative staff, according to its laws. .......".
The above materials are:
1) omission ....; ....
2) bodies, offices and modes of transfer of ownership of such vehicles
3) the basic principles of organization of the offices;
4 ) selection procedures for access to employment and job placement;
5) the roles and staffing, as well as their overall size.
The above was reiterated by the Director of Public Service, Dr. Francis Verbaro, sent in response to CRUI on 05/08/2007, it specifies that "in particular as regards the universities, in accordance with Article . 33 of the Constitution, the stabilization will be implemented in compliance with regulated directions and organizational autonomy, including on staffing. About the financial constraints, the same way as any permanent employment, the stabilization should be compatible with the provisions of art. 51 of the Law of 27 December 1997, no 449, that the fixed costs and mandatory for permanent staff of state universities can not exceed 90 percent of government transfers on the back for the regular financing. These procedures will be undertaken in accordance with the requirements defined three-year program of teaching, administrative and technical, to permanent and temporary, whose regime, governed by. 1, paragraph 105, the Law of 30 December 2004, no 311 and art. 1/ter of Decree Law of 31 January 2005, No 7 into law with amendments by art. 1 of Law March 31, 2005, n.43, is always subordinate to the resources allocated for this purpose in their budgets. "
Directive no 7 / 2007 of the Minister Nicolais clarifies "..... further that the legislature has acted with the purpose to remedy situations that go on for a long time and have disregarded the rules which govern the system of funding for staff in public administrations and created widespread expectations of employees so employed, in violation of Article. 36 of Legislative Decree no. 165/2001. ........... ............ Omitted the use of fixed-term employment contracts is the need to cope with a temporary need for administrations, while in situations covered by stabilization provided by the Budget Law for 2007 in fact were used types of temporary work to permanent needs of the Administration and not outsourced. "
This requires that there be a holiday in relation to organic status to be taken, which will result from the current staffing and programming needs
specially updated. Where necessary, the number of units may be modified only to the theoretical invariance of spending overall.
According to the same Directive .... "Given the purpose of the provisions of paragraph 519, which, as noted, intervened to resolve a situation that has arisen as a result of improper use of the types of flexible working by PP.AA . and because it is confidential and not open recruitment, we believe that we should disregard in this regard, the principle of prior implementation of procedures for mobility and the procedure under Article. 34-bis of Legislative Decree no. 165/2001, which must be followed by compulsory course on the opening competitions, ensuring adequate access from the outside in accordance with the principles enshrined in the law of the Constitutional Court on the issue. " Still
Directive No 7 / 07 specifies that "for those who were not employed under bankruptcy procedures will require the appropriate selection tests. This shows the clear differentiation of the selection procedures than merely "selective", under the extraordinary nature of the stabilization process. The only obligation imposed is that of publicity "of the procedure by notice of stabilization even in the event that we should not pursue the evidence called selective nature of competition ..... ...... omitted The notice will set out the requirements and criteria necessary to be able to submit questions for the stabilization and the locations in which the assumption will be made in reference to the findings of the three-year planning needs. "
The second leg of the route for the elimination of the phenomenon of precariousness is represented by Law 12.24.2007, n. 244, (Finance Act 2008).
Paragraph of Article 94. 3 of that Law states that "By 30.04.2008 (term not mandatory) the government of Article. 1, paragraph 2, of Legislative Decree no. 30/3/2001 No 165, as amended, shall, after hearing the trade unions, within the three-year planning needs for the years 2008, 2009 and 2010, plans for the gradual stabilization of the following non-managerial staff, taking into account the different aging times these requirements:
a) in service with fixed-term contract, in accordance with paragraphs 90 and 92, meeting the requirements of Article. 1, paragraphs 519 and 558 of Law 296/2006;
b) already used with continuous and coordinated collaboration contracts in place alla data di entrata in vigore della presente Legge, e che alla stessa data abbia già espletato attività lavorativa per almeno tre anni anche non continuativi, nel quinquennio antecedente al 28 settembre 2007, presso la stessa amministrazione, fermo restando quanto previsto dall’art. 1 commi 529 e 560, della legge 27/12/2006, n. 296. E’ comunque escluso dalle procedure di stabilizzazione di cui alla presente lettera il personale di diretta collaborazione degli organi politici presso le amministrazioni pubbliche di cui all’art. 1, comma 2, del D.Lgs. n. 165/2001, nonchè il personale a contratto che svolge compiti di insegnamento e di ricerca nelle università e negli enti di ricerca”.
Il comma 96 dello stesso art. 3 states that "By the Decree of the President of the Council of Ministers referred to in Article 1, paragraph 418, of Law December 27, 2006, No 296 to be taken without fail by the end of March 2008, in relation to the types of flexible work contracts other than those referred to in paragraph 94, and for the purpose of stabilization plans under the said paragraph 94, the job requirements are covered, the duration minimum of professional experiences in the same government, not less than three years, whether or not continuous, the date of entry into force of this law, and the evaluation methods to be applied in the selection procedures, in which a positive outcome is guaranteed assimilation to the entities referred to in paragraph 94, b).
Finally, paragraph 106 states that "Notwithstanding the provisions of Article 1, paragraph 519, of Law December 27, 2006, No 296, in 2008, calls for competition for appointments to permanent posts in public administration may provide a quota of posts not more than 20 percent of places available for non-managerial staff who have completed at least three

3 years of experience of fixed-term employment in public administration under contracts concluded before the date of September 28, 2007, and the recognition that in terms of scoring, the service provided by public administrations per almeno tre anni, anche non continuativi, nel quinquennio antecedente al 28 settembre 2007, in virtù di contratti di collaborazione coordinata e continuativa stipulati anteriormente a tale data”.
La Legge Finanziaria 2008 ha ampliato il numero dei possibili destinatari della stabilizzazione spostando la data di riferimento per il calcolo del requisito temporale per i rapporti di lavoro subordinato a tempo determinato e “ha dato, inoltre, rilevanza ad un ulteriore fenomeno molto diffuso di utilizzo improprio del lavoro flessibile, ovvero le collaborazioni coordinate e continuative, prevedendo per i soggetti in possesso dei requisiti prescritti una forma di valorizzazione dell’esperienza professionale acquisita (art. 3, comma 94, lett. b)) through the inclusion of such a program plan of gradual stabilization. "
both for what concerns the stabilization of the staff with contracts of employment for temporary staff with regard to the contracts as a self-reading of the reference standards does not detect the exact nature of the test may be made selective for transformation of the employment relationship.
However, as specified by the Minister Nicolais, "The special provisions relating to" stabilization "dictated by the law of December 26, 2006, No 296 (Finance Act 2007) in derogation from the constitutional principle of open competition as a way access to employment in public administration, have significantly marked the ordinary rules on the recruitment of personnel in government. "
The basis of the rules of stabilization there is a will, "compensation" by the legislature sought to remedy that irregular situation determinatesi the effect of the use of flexible work for permanent needs.
Indeed, the continuous and coordinated collaboration contracts have been concluded by the contracting out of the provisions of art. 7, paragraph 6, of Legislative Decree no. 165/2001, and these have been counteracted by the ordinary purposes, in the absence of the conditions extraordinary nature of the need and proven expertise that justified, then as now, the use of external collaborations.
This occurs, for universities, even outside of the hiring freeze, and in particular the University of Salento (unique in the Italian universities and, perhaps, of public administrations in general) reacted to these needs with ordinary staff who have been entrusted to contracts as well as coordinated and continuous collaboration of professional service od'opera even occasionally.
In this regard, it recalls the word No 14 dated 19.12.2006, whereby the Board of Auditors of this University drew the contenuto della Legge n. 248 del 4.8.2006 che chiariva in modo puntuale le modalità di affidamento di incarichi a terzi estranei all’amministrazione.
Si sottolinea, altresì, che ci si trova di fronte ad una responsabilità amministrativa del Dirigente che ha conferito l’incarico in violazione delle norme vigenti con possibili risvolti sul piano della responsabilità disciplinare e contabile. Nel caso dell’Università del Salento queste responsabilità interesserebbero non solo la dirigenza ma anche i Responsabili di strutture equiparate a Centri di Spesa e il Consiglio di Amministrazione che ha sempre approvato la copertura di spesa e le relative procedure di reclutamento.
La stabilizzazione di queste figure di personale flexible procedure is done through a "special" and that is through conducting a selective testing, confidential and not open, if the candidate has already passed a test for selective access.
If this path is clearer and better explained by the Directive No. 7 / 2007 for some time, it is in reality for the staff referred to in paragraph 94 / b art. 3 of the 2008 Budget. The two figures are assimilated to each other by the Legislature within the same paragraph and
also have requirements that are common for the three years, although not continuous, the work carried out by the date of entry into force of the 2008 Budget Law , in virtù di contratti stipulati nel quinquennio antecedente il 28/9/2007.
Trattandosi di casi simili in cui si ravvisa corrispondenza di elementi giuridicamente rilevanti, si applica, pertanto, anche al personale di cui al comma 94/b per analogia la stessa procedura e cioè la stabilizzazione a tempo indeterminato attraverso lo svolgimento di una prova selettiva riservata e non aperta.
D’altra parte, che questo sia l’iter procedurale voluto dal Legislatore, lo si evince dall’analisi attenta del testo.
Il comma 96 prevede che altri lavoratori flessibili, diversi da quelli disciplinati dal comma 94/b, debbano sostenere delle procedure selettive, le cui modalità saranno definite da un successivo D.P.C.M., to be treated in the second. It 'is quite clear that the Legislature did not want and could provide a double test competition for the same type of candidates. The Legislature
with paragraph 94 of Article. 3 wanted to be without prejudice to the procedures provided by. 1, paragraphs 529 and 560, of Law No. 296/2006, which do not apply to universities and that in any case involving another type of flexible workers that is coordinated and continuous collaboration with one year of activity. This
just to differentiate the two types and two different paths. As yet another procedural provisions of clause is Article 106. 3 of the 2008 Budget for staff che abbia maturato esperienze di lavoro per almeno tre anni con contratto di lavoro subordinato a tempo determinato nel quinquennio anteriore al 28/09/2007 presso tutte le PP.AA. e per il quale è prevista la possibilità di una riserva di posti del 20% nei bandi di concorso per le assunzioni a tempo indeterminato nelle PP.AA..
Lo stesso comma prevede, altresì, il riconoscimento in termini di punteggio, nelle predette procedure concorsuali, del triennio di attività svolta in virtù di contratti di collaborazione coordinata e continuativa stipulati presso tutte le PP.AA..
Come si evince chiaramente si tratta di tipologie di personale flessibile differenti che seguono percorsi diversi nell’ambito dello stesso processo di eliminazione del fenomeno del precariato nelle PP.AA..
La procedura del concorso riservato per la stabilizzazione del personale precario è stata utilizzata nei piani approvati dalle altre Università italiane in applicazione della Legge Finanziaria 2007 ed è quanto sta avvenendo per la Finanziaria 2008. Vedasi a questo proposito il piano di stabilizzazione dell’Università di Cagliari.
D’altra parte questa stessa procedura è quella prevista dalla Legge n. 4/1999 per il reclutamento dei tecnici con laurea con almeno tre anni di attività di ricerca svolti presso università o centri di ricerca alla data di entrata in vigore della legge. Anche in quel caso si trattava di normalizzare una situazione di fatto e di stabilizzare ricercatori precari.
Il Direttore dell’Ufficio per il personale delle pubbliche amministrazioni, del Dipartimento della Funzione Pubblica, Dott. Francesco Verbaro, con il parere n. 20/08 del 6 marzo 2008 ha affermato che “La stabilizzazione in sostanza si configura come una procedura che deroga ai principi del reclutamento secondo le modalità del concorso pubblico di cui all’art. 97 della Costituzione e all’art. 35 del decreto legislativo 30 marzo 2001, n. 165.”
Nel Piano di Stabilizzazione concordato tra la Parte Pubblica e la Parte Sindacale di questa Università, i soggetti da inquadrare nei ruoli del personale T/A con contratto di lavoro subordinato a tempo indeterminato, a seguito del superamento di una prova selettiva, qualora not supported, are those referred to in the c. 94 Article 3 of Law 244/2007.
The test will consist of the selective evaluation of the qualifications and conduct of a proof theory and practice.
The person referred to in paragraph 94 / b are those with a contract term employment contract at the date of 1 .1.2008 (entry into force of the Budget 2008) and who have carried out work at this university for at least three years, with employment contracts under Article. 7 of Legislative Decree no. 5

165/2001, signed in the five years prior to the 28/09/2007 and completed by the date of entry into force of the Finance Act 2008, to satisfy the needs of ordinary and permanent, in that the conditions of the extraordinary and exceptional needs and activities also are not highly qualified.
Contracts art. 7 of Legislative Decree no. 165/2001, notwithstanding other provisions in numerous opinions of the Court of Accounts, have been repeatedly extended or renewed without the verification of the prerequisite of the lack of similar experience in terms of quality within the administration.
should be noted that this case has used very often at the University of Salento in recent years in which there being no obligation of the hiring freeze would be able to proceed to the recruitment of permanent staff for an indefinite period to fill vacancies expected in Organic plant and to meet the staffing needs, planned and approved by the governing bodies of this university: No 155 units in 2005 which employed only 63, No 118 taken in 2006 of which only 54, No 37 for the year 2007 and 48 for the year 2008 of which only hire one.
The stabilization plan approved by the Parties in this University is partially to fill the staffing requirements approved last three years and does not take into account the need to turn-over for the years 2007 and 2008.
All figures provided are stabilized within the current staffing plan in the face of small changes, where necessary, but with invariance of the total expenditure. Serve in part to close the gap by almost one percentage point existing, compared to national statistics, the personal relationship between T / A and faculty at this University.
The Plan provides for the stabilization of permanent staff with funding to the budget center other than the center for at least 5 years and partly charged to the FFO.
The above stabilizers are made of permanent staff remains well below the 90% ceiling imposed by the FFO. 51 of L. 449/1997, as the limit for the fixed costs and personnel required for the role of state universities.
The Budget Committee at its meeting on 23.4.2008 (see Report No 9 / 2008) has already identified the availability of funds in 2008 budget per la copertura di n. 50 posti, gli altri saranno a carico del bilancio 2009 e gli altri ancora sui Fondi di diversi centri di spesa.
Il piano di stabilizzazione di che trattasi trova motivazioni molteplici nelle esigenze di ridurre drasticamente il fenomeno del precariato presso l’Università del Salento; far fronte al fabbisogno di personale T/A, presso le diverse strutture; valorizzare le professionalità acquisite nel corso degli ultimi anni; evitare un inutile e oneroso contenzioso con il personale precario che impropriamente ed illegittimamente è stato impiegato in attività ordinarie a fronte di contratti di lavoro autonomo stipulati ai sensi dell’art. 7 del D.Lgs. n. 265/2001; evitare un inutile ed oneroso contenzioso con i workers employed under the employment contract term, extended several times even in derogation of Legislative Decree no. 368 of 09.06.2001 for permanent needs of the university.
The decision to adopt the plan in question and the procedures therein is supported by case law dominant. Of particular note some judgments of the Administrative Court of Lecce, namely:
- Lecce-TAR-Sez.Lavoro. Order No. 5 / 08.
The Board, inter alia, states that "the new formulation of 'art. 36 of Legislative Decree no. 29/93, introduced by Art. 22 of Legislative Decree no. 80/98 (fully reflected in art. 35 Leg. 165/2001), which generally regulates the access to public work, brings in the new substantive and, providing that the assumptions in the public sector are made by selection procedures and removing the reference to competition as a priority mode of recruitment, make available to the public employer new forms of recruitment, for where administrators have the ability to select staff through procedures not comparative, but necessary to ensure fairness, an objective finding of professionalism required and equal right of access. As already mentioned above

6, the selective testing scheduled for the CEL, designed to examine the proficiency fini dell’assunzione, rientra legittimamente nell’art. 35 del d.lgs. 165/2001 e nell’art. 97 Cost.”.
A questo proposito è opportuno ricordare che i collabortori coord.e contin. hanno superato anche più di una procedura selettiva analoga a quella utilizzata per i CEL a tempo determinato e cioè : valutazione dei titoli e colloquio.
Lo stesso Collegio nella stessa circostanza ha ribadito il diritto dei lavoratori precari a tempo determinato al risarcimento del danno subito… “e potrà essere fatto valere nel giudizio ordinario, non essendovi dubbi circa la illegittimità del comportamento dell’Università che ha reiterato per due volte, dopo la prima scadenza, il rapporto di lavoro a termine, illegitimità che non viene certamente meno per l’impossibilità di convertire il rapporto di lavoro ed è sanzionata, appunto col risarcimento del danno.
Il risarcimento, per costituire una legittima alternativa alla conversione del rapporto, come prescrive la Corte di Giustizia, dovrà essere congruo e rapportato sia ai danni già verificati per l’illegittimo ricorso alla pluralità di assunzioni fraudolente, sia a quelli futuri derivanti dalla mancata conversione del rapporto in un contratto a tempo indeterminato”.
E’ estremamente interessante la considerazione che il Collegio fa in merito all’opportunità che si presenta per l’Università di evitare la sanzione risarcitoria: “In tal modo l’Università, valutando i propri interessi, potrà scegliere tra la sanzione risarcitoria e la conversione del contratto che, se non può esserle imposta, può essere scelta così come è avvenuto per altri CEL, eventualmente utilizzando, se applicabili, le disposizioni dell’ultima legge finanziaria sulla stabilizzazione dei rapporti di lavoro a tempo determinato”.
Merita un’attenta riflessione la sentenza del TAR Puglia-Lecce-III Sezione –Reg. Generale n. 1910/2007 con cui il Tribunale “ritiene che la scelta legislativa di privilegiare la stabilizzazione di lavoratori c.d. precari non sia di per sé irragionevole (in quanto essa è il frutto di una ponderazione fra many interests, all having constitutional significance) and / or contrary to the principles of the Constitution in Article .97.
In fact, the rule of the competition-that Article. Means 97 of the Constitution as a tool to be used for regular access to the public service-is not absolute and may exercise in the presence of dispensation in special situations (consider, for example, the arrangements in Ln 56 / 1987), including can not be covered by the need to eliminate or at least reduce the phenomenon of so-called insecurity. "
stabilization opposed the action in question refers to ASL Brindisi temporary workers who are in the identical position held by the precarious 'University Salento.
The sentence continues: "In this case, then the stabilization of the potential recipients are individuals engaged in work that Hanoi for significant periods, in favor of SS.NN entities (for which they are generally already possess adequate professional , which definitely contributes to the good performance of PA) and were recruited after passing Latu sensu selective procedures (or, if hired "on call", will still be subjected to such procedures, see page. 5 the contested decision), so their stabilization does not arise even in conflict with the constitutional rule of open competition. " ... Omission ..
"It 's obvious that the choice of the legislature to give priority to stabilizing the precarious (choice, as mentioned, is not unlawful) means the exception to all the provisions that are in conflict with the legal and logical choice, including provisions requiring the Continuing rankings bankruptcy.
Notwithstanding the provisions of the 2nd c. Article 6 of the L. 168/1989, that is, "Within the principles of independence laid down by art. 33 of the Constitution and specified by law, the universities are governed not only by their respective statutes and regulations, only by laws that operate by reference. E 'excluded the applicability of provisions laid down in Circular

7 ", one last consideration to be expressed on the Circular No. 5 dated 18 April 2008 the Minister Nicolais.
This circular, which is likely to comply with the changed political context, is in contradiction with the Directive n.7/2007 and other interpretative notes issued by that Department of Public Administration and, most importantly, is contrary to law, in many ways:
a) Second Circular on the stabilization of the legislation can be applied in the years 2008 and 2009 when in fact L. 244/2007 provides that the government draw up plans to stabilize within its staffing needs per gli anni 2008, 2009 e 2010.
b) La circolare n.5 prevede che il personale precario di cui al c.94 lett. b) dell’art.3 della Finanziaria 2008 debba partecipare a concorsi a tempo determinato ai sensi del c. 529 della L. 296/2006 usufruendo di una riserva di posti. La norma citata in realtà prevede che la riserva del 60% sia destinata ai collaboratori coordinati e continuativi con il requisito di 1 anno di attività svolta alla data del 29.09.2006.
c) La circolare prevede che il suddetto personale debba essere inquadrato a tempo determinato derogando quanto stabilito dall’art.36 del D.Lgs. 165/2001 così come novellato dalla legge finanziaria 2008, che viceversa correlano questa tipologia contrattuale ad esigenze di carattere strettamente temporary;
d) The circular effectively deny the right of the stabilization procedure, laid down c.94 Lett. b) of Art. 3 of Law 244/2007, taking on permanent staff with the requirements set out in that specified by c.106 which does not provide a procedure for "special" stabilization, but only a recognition of a certificate of service in public contests.
General Administrative Circular has an interpretative function of the rules to ensure their uniform application by the administrative apparatus. This objective is no longer accessible since in this case the public authorities which have already provided the definition of stabilization plans did so on the basis of the standards prescribed by law and not of the circular in question.
The binding nature made by the ministerial circular to be reconsidered in light of new relationships within the PA, which over the years have constantly evolved: the relationship between offices of the State Administration of different degree is no longer relevant in terms of simple hierarchy but directly.
In essence, while in the past 'offices had not submitted degree of autonomy with respect to orders emanating from the governing bodies of the Administration, now the ratio interorganic gives more freedom to the first decision. "
As recently clarified by Sections United Court of Cassation, ruling with n.23031 of 02/11/2007, which confirmed an approach already exists in law, the circular, contains a mere interpretation of the rule, can not be observed by the offices subject, giving sufficient reasons for one's posting . In this case, in which the circular No.5 is in obvious conflict with the law, the same sentence exemplifies not only the possibility but even the obligation to disregard them because in such a case emanating unlawful administrative act, as affected from violation of the law. The reasons for departing from them and there are more than relevant. Moreover
not be allowed any finding of liability accounting by the management or governing body that had given certain different from those assumed in Circular 5 as the effects of these determinations would not produce any loss of revenue for the university administration. If anything, this would be the case, and would be put in relation to major and very considerable costs arising from the inevitable litigation, in which the University would certainly be unsuccessful as the Court ruling, and interruption of public services resulting in the interruption of relations self-employment
that until now they have secured and that due to the same Finance Act would no longer be extended.
Tanto meno sono ravvisabili responsabilità amministrative o contabili in quanto la stabilizzazione del personale precario avverrebbe nell’ambito del più ampio fabbisogno di personale, già programmato dal C.d.A. di questa Università; nell’ambito della dotazione organica che presenta la necessaria vacanza di posti ovvero da ridefinire con invarianza di spesa; nell’ambito del limite del 90% del FFO per spese di personale; nell’ambito della copertura finanziaria già individuata dalla Commissione Bilancio di questa Università.
L’ipotesi di bandire nuove procedure concorsuali per attuare un’ipotetica stabilizzazione del personale precario è del tutto impraticabile quanto rischiosa.
There may in fact be a derogation to bring mobility when you start a procedure for external access. Nor could escape with ease the ranking of eligible still valid. C. The
Article 2 bis. 30, D. Decree Law 165/2001 provides that "The government, before the completion of bankruptcy proceedings, aimed at filling a vacancy within the organization must enable the mobility procedures referred to in the c. 1, ... "Article
. 34-bis of the same Decree. 165/2001 also envisages that the government before initiating the recruitment of staff should verificare che non vi sia personale collocato in disponibilità ai sensi degli artt. 33 e 34 del medesimo Decreto. Il c. 5 dell’art. 34-bis sancisce che “le assunzioni effettuate in violazione del presente articolo sono nulle di diritto”.
Sono già pervenute, presso questa Università, numerose istanze di trasferimento in particolare su posti di Cat. C area amministrativo/contabile, area delle biblioteche e area T.TS. e E.D.
Queste istanze non potrebbero essere ignorate, stante la scarsa specificità del profilo, e, pertanto, accogliendole si saturerebbe il fabbisogno di personale vanificando la possibilità di bandire nuove procedure concorsuali.
L’unica deroga possibile al predetto obbligo è quella per una procedura riservata volta alla stabilizzazione del personale precario, che, come confermato dalla sentenza del TAR-Puglia – Sez. di Lecce sopracitata, gode di un particolare “privilegio”.
Queste procedure concorsuali pubbliche, peraltro, non potrebbero essere bandite per tutti i profili, essendovi già iter concorsuali in corso, come nel caso delle figure di C dell’area biblioteche e per alcune figure tecniche del DISTEBA, ovvero per i tecnici-informatici di cat. D.
Ma sarebbe, altresì, problematico se non impossibile bandire concorsi per tutti i profili tecnici che si ravvisano tra i precari a causa dell’eccessiva varietà degli stessi. Ogni bando concorsuale pubblico com’è obviously must respect the principles of impartiality and maximum participation.
The recognition of the service should be allocated, in which case, as well as the types of temporary workers in the c. 94 beds. b) of Art. 3 of L. 244/2007 also the type referred to in the c. 106 of the Finance Act itself.
Therefore, the audience of the beneficiaries of this particular title would widen considerably.
addition to the above securities service announcement obviously could not provide a fair assessment regardless of the degree and other qualifications and professional.
not negligible appears the duration of the conduct of public tenders in relation to the needs of the departments of and who would be in a position to interrupt the delivery of public services to the expiration of contracts of continuous and coordinated collaboration, which is largely set at 31 May next
In any case calls for new competitions would be seriously at risk of legal challenge not only by the permanent staff with the requirements of the c. 94 / b art. 3 of L. 244/2007 but also by those who have filed for mobility
at this University and by all citizens who wish to participate may find elements of unconstitutionality in the procedures that are too discriminating.
The hypothesis of new public tendering procedures gives no guarantee to the stabilization of the permanent staff, the Administration presents the risk of crippling litigation and have to pay for the excessive financial burden arising from granted awards of damages, involves the possibility of not being able to provide services as early as next 1 June.
This option would entail heavy administrative and accounting responsibilities.
On the guidelines of the stabilization plan contained in this report is an agreement was reached between the public part and the unions. On the same floor also has argued for the Board of Directors by resolution of intent dated April 29
us Lecce, May 6, 2008


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